Our Contribution to the Global Goals

At Peas Industries, we safeguard the environment, people and long-term commercial success on a fair and healthy market. This means that we maintain a systematic approach to issues relating to employee health and well-being and a healthy workplace permeated by security, transparency and an inclusive culture, and we guarantee high levels of environmental compliance.

Our Sustainability Report

This is a summary of the most important consolidated key performance indicators relating to sustainability for the Peas Industries, and also maps the relevance of the operations of our companies to the 17 global sustainability goals. OX2 is the only company in the Group that is obliged to report its sustainability work according to the EU directive for non-financial reporting. Its complete sustainability report can be found in OX2’s annual report for 2020 at www.ox2.com.

Key Performance Indicators
  • 2020
  • 2019
  • 2018


  • 97.5%

  • 97.7%

  • 97.7%


  • 7 serious accidents

    51 minor accidents

  • 0 serious accidents

    24 minor accidents

  • 0 serious accidents

    37 minor accidents


  • 62% men

    38% women

  • 63% men

    37% women

  • 67% men

    33% women


  • 5 cases
    Four cases of offensive treatment and one case of harassment were reported in 2020. All cases have been investigated and dealt with immediately.

  • 1 case

  • 1 case


Wind power projects sold

Nameplate energy systems installed

Nameplate solar cells installed

Biogas production sold 

  • 328 MW

    6.9 MW

    363 kW

    94 GWh

  • 488 MW

    5.6 MW

    203 kW

    86 GWh

  • 172 MW



    83.5 GWh


  • No serious environmental emissions or spills occurred during 2020. The minor spills that occurred could be managed and decontaminated in an environmentally sound manner. 

  • No serious environmental emissions or spills occurred during 2019. The minor spills that occurred could be managed and decontaminated in an environmentally sound manner.

  • No serious environmental emissions or spills occurred during 2018. The minor spills that occurred could be managed and decontaminated in an environmentally sound manner.


  • No cases of corruption or other fraudulent behaviour were reported

  • No cases of corruption or other fraudulent behaviour were reported

  • No cases of corruption or other fraudulent behaviour were reported



No poverty

By promoting decent and meaningful work in the supply change and helping to bring about positive change in the local community, Peas Industries can make a contribution towards social protection and financial resources for men, women and children (SDG 1.2).


Zero hunger

Organic waste is transformed into valuable biological fertiliser and nutrients which promote sustainable agriculture through our company Biond; and products and solutions for circular farming are provided through our company Bonbio, allowing nutrients in organic waste to be used to grow new crops (SDG 2.1, 2.3 and 2.4).


Good health and well-being

Peas Industries is using preventive efforts such as mindfulness training and wellness allowances to promote physical and mental health and well-being for our employees at all companies (SDG 3.4).


Quality education

Peas Industries is safeguarding the supply of skills in the industries in which our companies are active; for OX2, for instance, by means of involvement in the Swedish “Become a wind power technician” initiative, in order to ensure that relevant skills and professional expertise are available on a growing market (SDG 4.4).


Gender equality

As Peas Industries companies are expanding and regularly appoint new staff, the company has plenty of opportunity to get involved in equality issues as part of the recruitment process, and also as part of its day-to-day operations. Peas’ goal is to make the workplace as equal and as inclusive as possible, and to give women equal opportunities for leadership (SDG 5.1, 5.5).


Clean water and sanitation

Provision of both air and water is being reduced as fossil fuels are being replaced with renewable energy. Taking a great deal of care with regard to operations in and near to water and using companies that minimise their water consumption in cultivation containers, Peas is able to minimise its impact on waterways in areas in which we operate (SDG 6.3).


Affordable and clean energy

With its companies, Peas Industries is making a significant contribution to increasing the percentage of renewable energy on the markets in which the companies are active, but it is also creating conditions on other markets by driving development and cost reductions (SDG 7.2 and 7.3).


Decent work and economic growth

Peas Industries is contributing to economic growth and productive employment and is playing an important part in the definition of clear requirements for decent working conditions throughout the value chain (SDG 8.1, 8.2, 8.4, 8.5 and 8.8).


Industry, innovation and infrastructure

The expansion of renewable and distributed energy is leading to reinforcement of regional and local power grids and roads, which is helping to enhance human well-being and local economic development and provide jobs. Our companies operating in the field of circular bioeconomy are also at the cutting edge as regards innovation in the field of sustainable and circular cultivation and waste management (SDG 9.1 and 9.2).


Reduced inequalities

As the companies grow – both in size and in geographical terms – there are opportunities to even out gender distribution mismatches and promote diversity in order to reinforce our workforce and ensure social inclusion (SDG 10.2).


Sustainable cities and communities

Our companies’ efforts to build renewable and distributed energy, along with circular waste management and production of biogas and nutrients, mean that Peas companies are helping to make towns and cities cleaner through cleaner transport and reduced emissions from fossil energy sources (SDG 11.2 and 11.4).


Responsible consumption and production

Our companies working with renewable energy generation are allowing us to help bring about more sustainable utilisation of our natural resources; and we are helping to bring about more sustainable waste management, reduce food waste to a minimum and provide conditions for a more sustainable lifestyle thanks to our circular waste management and circular food growing companies (SDG 12.2, 12.3, 12.5 and 12.8).


Climate action

Large-scale wind power and solar power and distributed energy solutions are significant and effective climate measures, and a number of our companies are leaders in these fields. We use our circular, climate-resilient growing concepts to create opportunities for greater resistance to the adverse effects of climate change linked with food production (SDG 13.1 and 13.2).


Life below water

Offshore wind farms are planned with a view to minimising adverse impact on marine and coastal ecosystems. There is major potential in connection with the development of offshore wind power to explore solutions with a positive impact on ecosystems (SDG 14.2).


Life on land

Extensive inventories are performed as part of every wind project in order to identify protected species, and a great deal of care is taken when felling trees in order to protect natural habitats. There is a great deal of potential in taking action to promote biodiversity in connection with construction work, even though the climate benefit provided by renewable energy and the contributions this energy makes to combating climate change provide the biggest benefit for the continued survival of many species (SDG 15.5).


Peace, justice and strong institutions

Being responsive and inclusive when making decisions on wind power projects is a prerequisite, and crucial to local acceptance (SDG 16.7).


Partnership for the goals

Peas Industries frequently works with many different partners in our companies, all of which share a single goal: to expand renewable and distributed energy. Work towards sustainable waste management and food production also requires close cooperation with both municipalities and other stakeholders in the value chain (SDG 17.16 and 17.17).



No poverty

By promoting decent and meaningful work in the supply change and helping to bring about positive change in the local community, Peas Industries can make a contribution towards social protection and financial resources for men, women and children (SDG 1.2).


Zero hunger

Organic waste is transformed into valuable biological fertiliser and nutrients which promote sustainable agriculture through our company Biond; and products and solutions for circular farming are provided through our company Bonbio, allowing nutrients in organic waste to be used to grow new crops (SDG 2.1, 2.3 and 2.4).


Good health and well-being

Peas Industries is using preventive efforts such as mindfulness training and wellness allowances to promote physical and mental health and well-being for our employees at all companies (SDG 3.4).


Quality education

Peas Industries is safeguarding the supply of skills in the industries in which our companies are active; for OX2, for instance, by means of involvement in the Swedish “Become a wind power technician” initiative, in order to ensure that relevant skills and professional expertise are available on a growing market (SDG 4.4).


Gender equality

As Peas Industries companies are expanding and regularly appoint new staff, the company has plenty of opportunity to get involved in equality issues as part of the recruitment process, and also as part of its day-to-day operations. Peas’ goal is to make the workplace as equal and as inclusive as possible, and to give women equal opportunities for leadership (SDG 5.1, 5.5).


Clean water and sanitation

Provision of both air and water is being reduced as fossil fuels are being replaced with renewable energy. Taking a great deal of care with regard to operations in and near to water and using companies that minimise their water consumption in cultivation containers, Peas is able to minimise its impact on waterways in areas in which we operate (SDG 6.3).


Affordable and clean energy

With its companies, Peas Industries is making a significant contribution to increasing the percentage of renewable energy on the markets in which the companies are active, but it is also creating conditions on other markets by driving development and cost reductions (SDG 7.2 and 7.3).


Decent work and economic growth

Peas Industries is contributing to economic growth and productive employment and is playing an important part in the definition of clear requirements for decent working conditions throughout the value chain (SDG 8.1, 8.2, 8.4, 8.5 and 8.8).


Industry, innovation and infrastructure

The expansion of renewable and distributed energy is leading to reinforcement of regional and local power grids and roads, which is helping to enhance human well-being and local economic development and provide jobs. Our companies operating in the field of circular bioeconomy are also at the cutting edge as regards innovation in the field of sustainable and circular cultivation and waste management (SDG 9.1 and 9.2).


Reduced inequalities

As the companies grow – both in size and in geographical terms – there are opportunities to even out gender distribution mismatches and promote diversity in order to reinforce our workforce and ensure social inclusion (SDG 10.2).


Sustainable cities and communities

Our companies’ efforts to build renewable and distributed energy, along with circular waste management and production of biogas and nutrients, mean that Peas companies are helping to make towns and cities cleaner through cleaner transport and reduced emissions from fossil energy sources (SDG 11.2 and 11.4).


Responsible consumption and production

Our companies working with renewable energy generation are allowing us to help bring about more sustainable utilisation of our natural resources; and we are helping to bring about more sustainable waste management, reduce food waste to a minimum and provide conditions for a more sustainable lifestyle thanks to our circular waste management and circular food growing companies (SDG 12.2, 12.3, 12.5 and 12.8).


Climate action

Large-scale wind power and solar power and distributed energy solutions are significant and effective climate measures, and a number of our companies are leaders in these fields. We use our circular, climate-resilient growing concepts to create opportunities for greater resistance to the adverse effects of climate change linked with food production (SDG 13.1 and 13.2).


Life below water

Offshore wind farms are planned with a view to minimising adverse impact on marine and coastal ecosystems. There is major potential in connection with the development of offshore wind power to explore solutions with a positive impact on ecosystems (SDG 14.2).


Life on land

Extensive inventories are performed as part of every wind project in order to identify protected species, and a great deal of care is taken when felling trees in order to protect natural habitats. There is a great deal of potential in taking action to promote biodiversity in connection with construction work, even though the climate benefit provided by renewable energy and the contributions this energy makes to combating climate change provide the biggest benefit for the continued survival of many species (SDG 15.5).


Peace, justice and strong institutions

Being responsive and inclusive when making decisions on wind power projects is a prerequisite, and crucial to local acceptance (SDG 16.7).


Partnership for the goals

Peas Industries frequently works with many different partners in our companies, all of which share a single goal: to expand renewable and distributed energy. Work towards sustainable waste management and food production also requires close cooperation with both municipalities and other stakeholders in the value chain (SDG 17.16 and 17.17).